Bullying Prevention
This information explains how the Halton District School Board works to provide a positive and inclusive school environment for students to succeed.
Together we can stop bullying
A positive and inclusive school environment is essential for student success.
Staff, students, parents and community have a part to play in making our schools safe.
Confidential Reporting of Bullying
What is bullying?
Bullying is defined as aggressive and typically repeated behavior by a student, where the behaviour is intended to have the effect of (the student should know that the behaviour would cause):
harm, fear, or distress to another person, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual's reputation or harm to the individual's property.
create a negative environment at school for another individual.
What is Cyberbullying?
creating a site or blog where the owner assumes the identity of another person
impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted online
communicating material electronically to others or posting on a website that is accessible by more than one person.
Building a Positive School Climate
Curriculum connections: All teachers are responsible for supporting students in developing relationships in all learning environments. This include bullying prevention learning in daily teacher practice through a variety of curriculum links.
Teachers/schools use various programs and strategies to ensure the school environment is inclusive. This may include bullying prevention programs such as LINK Crew, Restorative Practices, RespectED, Beyond the Hurt, and Safe Schools Ambassadors. Schools also participate in the Give Respect - Get Respect program in conjunction with the Halton Regional Police Service. Every school is required to have a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan.
Be Your Child's Champion
Whether your child is the target of bullying, is engaging in bullying behaviour or is witnessing bullying behaviour, once your child has come forward, it's your turn to take action:
Arrange a meeting for you and your child with the teacher and/or principal/vice principal.
Bring with you the specific information you've gathered about the bullying incident(s).
Work with your child and school personnel on a plan to address what your child needs right now to feel safe; what your child can do to avoid being bullied and to stand up to any future bullying; and who your child go to for help.